Mom finds her daughter kissing a mannequin

Mom finds her daughter kissing a mannequin

"When you leave your child alone for two seconds..."

A little girl kisses a boy mannequin
A little girl kisses a boy mannequin/Instagram Screenshot/@girlmentors

Teaching our daughters that there is an acceptable way of behaving in public is a concept we, as mothers, often overlook. This is mainly because we want them not to be tied down by restrictive, backward-thinking societal norms. 

We live in a world where we don't need to follow the status quo; instead, we get to live by our own rules. 

As mothers to young girls, we are the ones who get to help them mould themselves into their best versions. What better way to do this than to let our little girls have the freedom to be themselves?

A mother shared a short but impactful video of what happened when she left her young daughter alone for two seconds. 

It was hilarious and innocent simultaneously, and if we were in this mother's shoes, we might've been tongue-twisted, pun intended. Watch what happened - courtesy of Instagram

It is important to remember that conversing with your child about kissing and personal space helps them understand relationships and learn about boundaries and consent. 

Explaining kissing to younger kids should be lighthearted. You could say something like, "People kiss when they care for one another." 

And the most important thing to remember is that when you see your child doing something inappropriate, don't freak out. Play it cool; how you respond makes a difference to how your child responds to their behaviour. 

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East Coast Radio

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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