Meet the twins born on different days, months, and years...

Meet the twins born on different days, months, and years...

Can you imagine...

A rare birth for twins who were born on different days, months and years...

Excitement surrounding the birth of your children is a milestone in itself. But then imagine going into labour during the festive period..

And more than that, imagine it being on New Year's Eve...

Well, this mother had a rare but super special birth as her twins were born on two different days. Some have said that twins being born on two different days is a one in two million chance. 

"Aylin Yolanda Trujillo entered the world exactly at midnight on Saturday, Jan. 1, making her the first baby born at Natividad Medical Center and in Monterey County in 2022. Her twin brother, Alfredo Antonio Trujillo, delivered first at 11:45 pm on Dec. 31, 2021." (Facebook)

"There are about 120,000 twin births in the U.S. every year, making up just over 3% of all births. However, twins with different birthdays are rare, and some estimate the chance of twins being born in different years as one in 2 million." (Facebook)

We couldn't agree more, this is a true sentiment to what kind of year we are going to have. For us it means that anything is possible, you just have to go in with an open mind. 

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Facebook

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