LOCAL: Are you a "Chocolate Log" fan? Did you sign the petition to bring it back?
Updated | By East Coast Radio
A petition to bring back the popular Chocolate Log back has hit the streets...

Nestlé has been in the spotlight when it comes to removing items that are loved from their catalogue. Most of the time it leaves many South Africans shattered, because those items are their favourites.
More than that though, it leaves us feeling a bit empty because items like the Chocolate Log hold sentimental memories for many of us. For some it is about being nostalgic and taking them back to their childhood, while for others, it's all about the fact that it is comfort food.
"In mid-2020, Nestlé announced it was killing off Chocolate Log – the "creamy marshmallow on crisp wafer covered in milk chocolate" staple of many a South African childhood – after more than half a century." (Business Insider)
An anonymous online petition has been doing the rounds to bring back the Chocolate Log. According to this unhappy chappy, "Nestlé must return "the GOAT of chocolate", or greatest of all time, the petition demands, because the world needs [t]he creaminess of the marshmallow stuffed with caramelized wafer all coated in glazed sweet chocolate". (Business Insider)
Read more: PARENTS: Nestlé products slammed by experts who say they are dangerous for children's health
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The petition has aimed to get 100 signatures and late on Wednesday it was at 50. Nestlé has noticed the online chatter, and have acknowledged their customer feedback.
"We have noted the 'Bring Back Chocolate Log' petition and are humbled by the reaction of our consumers about the iconic chocolate brand," said the company's director of corporate communications and public affairs for its East and Southern Africa region, Saint-Francis Tohlang." (Business Insider)
The team at Nestlé have recognised that they are a consumer-centric organisation, saying that their purpose is to ensure that their consumers have tastier and healthier products.
"It is for this reason that through research, innovation as well as consumer insights, we do discontinue certain products and introduce new ones to the market. The discontinuation of the Chocolate Log was therefore informed by these factors."
We love that the petition is out there though, it shows that we aren't the only ones craving for our favourites to come back. But from a business stand point, we understand where Nestlé is coming from in terms of removing them from the market.

Image Courtesy of Twitter
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