Little boy is caught drinking mom's coffee

Little boy is caught drinking mom's coffee

You know what they say, if you want your kids to learn a lesson, let them do the wrong thing and learn through experience. 

A young boy takes a sip of coffee
A young boy takes a sip of coffee/TikTok Screenshot/@reganstanford

Saying 'No' to a child is a lesson learned for any parent or adult. 

This is why some parents decide to let their kids learn through experience.

Climbing up the coffee table? Let them learn. Eating things off the floor? Let them learn. Taking a sip of mom's coffee? Lesson learned!

In a video shared on TikTok by a mother, we see a young boy leaning over the coffee table and he seems to have taken a slurp of mom's coffee. 

When mom asks him if he is drinking her coffee, he denies it. 

But by the looks on his face, it is evident that he took a sip. That's the thing about coffee and kids, they love the idea of drinking something mommy is drinking, but we know that they are not going to enjoy the taste. 

Watch what happens when he learns his lesson...

Courtesy of TikTok


Caught red handed 😂😅

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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