LISTEN: Have you ever hurt your child accidentally?

LISTEN: Have you ever hurt your child accidentally?

We take a look at parents who share their stories about accidentally hurting their kids...

LISTEN: Have you ever hurt your child accidentally?
Unsplash Website

As parents, there are many moments where we choose not to share a story because there is that menacing fear of being judged by all the other parents (who sometimes seemingly make it look easy). 

Well, we don't think that parenting is easy, it's definitely challenging, and it helps you learn a lot about yourself and about your family. It is pretty much a learning experience, daily....

Many parents are afraid of the judgment that is associated with admitting that you made a mistake or that something happened accidentally under your watch. Yes, it is stressful, but getting hurt is part of life and we cannot be advocators to our children without helping them deal with accidents, and with pain, whether that is physical or emotional. 

We heard something online about parents admitting that they hurt their kids accidentally, in particular an uncle shared a story about playing with his nephew and throwing him up in the air and catching him, and it ended with his nephew in the ceiling...

This motivated us to ask you the question: Have you hurt your kid accidentally? And to that we answer, it's okay, breathe. It happens, we all get hurt, all we can do is learn from it and try our best to avoid doing that again. 

The reality of the situation is that there's no way your eyes are going to be glued to your kid completely, and kids have inquisitive minds, they want to poke and prod at everything. Playing with kids is supposed to be fun, but no parent anywhere can say that playing a game of catch with your kid didn't result in them falling or even you falling...

Accidents happen and as parents, who get judged on the daily, we cannot be hard on ourselves.

Carol Ofori wanted to bring some lightheartedness to this topic and allow parents to feel human, embrace it, and forgive themselves. These things make us stronger as parents and, believe it or not, they make our children stronger, too...

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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