LISTEN: Ability activist Michaela Mycroft assists disabled children around South Africa

LISTEN: Ability activist Michaela Mycroft assists disabled children around South Africa

A double whammy celebration, celebrating a young woman shifting our ideology surrounding disability...

Michaela Mycroft
Michaela Mycroft/Supplied

In honour of Youth Month, Carol Ofori has set out to speak to young people around the country about the inspiring things they are doing. 

This week, she spoke to Michaela Mycroft, an ability activist who has a plethora of achievements behind her name. 

Despite being wheelchair-bound with cerebral palsy, this incredible human being is the first wheelchair athlete ever to finish the Comrades Marathon.

And she is also the first quadriplegic to summit Mount Kilimanjaro...

What we love the most about Michaela's mission with her non-profit organisation, The Chaeli Campaign, is the fact that she and her co-founders are challenging the way society views the capabilities and role of disabled children in South Africa and around the world. 

"Michaela was just 10 years old when she helped establish the foundation, which aims to mobilise the minds and bodies of children with disabilities. Her efforts also resulted in a similar initiative in Zimbabwe, Hope in Motion, which offers support to disabled children and their families." (Eveready


The campaign recently announced its Dial-a-Ride campaign, which is a public transport service for people with different mobility needs who cannot make use of conventional public transport. (Facebook)

Take a listen to the inspiring conversation that Carol Ofori had with the ambitious Michaela below. 

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