Eight-year-old boy found alive in game park after 5 days

Eight-year-old boy found alive in game park after 5 days

Taking the wrong turn inside a game park is a wild experience, some might say...

A young African boy standing in front of a large rock
A young African boy standing in front of a large rock/X Screenshot/mutsamu

We're shocked by a story about an eight-year-old boy who got lost inside a northern Zimbabwe game park, home to an array of wild animals. 

According to a post shared on X by a Zimbabwean government member, the young boy wandered from home and found himself inside the Matusadonha National Park. 

The boy was part of the Kasvisva community, Nyaminyami, in rural Kariba, where it is not difficult to lose your way and find yourself inside the game park. 

According to NBC News, "The boy was missing for five days in the jungle near the Hogwe River, Murombedzi said, where he slept on a rocky perch "amidst roaring lions, passing elephants," and ate wild fruits to survive."

The boy went missing on December 27, 2024, but some of the details from Murombedzi's public service announcement did not match the statement released by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks).

They said the boy was seven and wandered "49 kilometres (30 miles) from his village 'through the harsh terrain of the lion-infested' game park to the point where he was located". However, Murombedzi's statement said he was 23km away from his village. 

The young boy was resourceful enough to keep himself nourished with fruits while avoiding dangerous encounters with wild animals. This is an extraordinary story that reminds us of our innate ability to be resilient and adapt to our surroundings. Of course, his familiarity with village life likely played an important role in his ability to navigate and survive in such conditions.

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Image Courtesy of X

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