CRAZY: 'Mountain Cabbage' hidden under real cabbage....

CRAZY: 'Mountain Cabbage' hidden under real cabbage....

Half a million worth of marijuana was seized from a vegetable van...

CRAZY: 'Mountain Cabbage' hidden under the cabbage....
Unsplash Website

When it comes to cover ups, we have to say that there are those stories that really get us thinking about what these people think was going to happen. And, sadly, when it comes to corruption, it is all about the under-handedness and the missing money or worse...

As much as we have those people in law enforcement who are trying to clean up the streets, criminals are becoming more and more creative in their approach to crime. This places a bigger responsibility on the law to be on the ball and in the mix all the time. 

On that note, the police recently made a discovery that was definitely not a pumpkin patch affair, it was in fact a cabbage cover up of 'mountain cabbage'. In case you didn't know one of the many slang words for Marijuana, 'mountain cabbage' is one of them. 

During an operation by South African Police Services on the 6th of November 2021, a suspicious looking van that was transporting cabbages was asked to pull over...

"The vehicle was reportedly instructed to pull over and a search was conducted. Eagle-eyed police officers in Vryheid, KZN confiscated marijuana worth half a million rand." (MSN)

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Do you think that maybe this was their version of keeping the produce fresh? Or maybe they thought it was some form of fertiliser, you never know...

Anything for a quick buck? Just us trying to find the funny in criminals who think that they can get away with this kind of cover up. Nevertheless, they certainly thought that the green would serve as a good distraction, not so much!

There were bags of marijuana hidden under the cabbages and the suspects were to appear in court this week. This got us thinking about innocent but troublesome things that get people into trouble when it comes to covering things up...

For instance, those times that we heard of friends sneaking in their own snacks to the movies, or filling up their bags at the 'all you can eat buffet'. Did you ever get into trouble over hiding something you shouldn't have had in the first place? 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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