South Africa is facing a Marmite shortage! Yes, it does deserve an exclamation mark...

#AppreciationMonday: South Africa is facing a Marmite shortage, makes us more grateful for snacks

We never thought we would hear these words splashed across the news headlines...

South Africa is facing a Marmite shortage! Yes, it does deserve an exclamation mark...
Instagram Screenshot/@marmite_sa

Just like the famous 1994 "Mum remembered Melrose" advert, Marmite has been a love-it-or-hate-it situation for most South Africans when it comes to the popular savoury snack.

 (Marmite website)

Due to the lockdown restrictions that were originally implicated last year, the alcohol ban caused there to be a shortage of brewer's yeast, hence the shortage of Marmite.

For many Marmite lovers, the saga continues as South Africa currently faces another shortage of one of South Africa's favorite snacks. 

Pioneer Foods, Marmite suppliers, say it expects supplies to normalise over the coming months, with shortages to reduce in the month of August. 

The competitor - Bovril - which also uses yeast in its production is still going strong on the shelves so there's that option for anyone willing to bat for the competitor. We know you all are purists when it comes to loving your Marmite, though.

The key difference that could deter some loyal customers away from Bovril is that Marmite is 100% vegetarian and halaal. 

Read more: Marmite vs Bovril

It's safe to say that the alcohol ban and the closing of pubs and bars didn't just affect beer drinkers; the results of the pandemic have literally affected all our lives in some way or the other. 

Another reason for us to stand together in solidarity, right? 

Take our poll below.

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