VIDEO: The "odd" one out

VIDEO: The "odd" one out

Do you ever feel like the black sheep in your family? Watch as this young lady tells her story.

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I came across an interview of a lady who had battled with her weight her whole life and always felt like the odd one out in the family. 
Jill Strasburg (then known as Jill Roberts) appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005 with her father Kirk to talk about what it was like being the fat one in the family. 
Her dad openly used to make comments and went as far as saying that he couldn't accept her that way. 
Needless to say, she went onto have gastric bypass surgery and even though now living a much happier life, has discovered that she is now unable to have children. 
Oprah: Where Are They Now recently caught up with Jill to find out how she's been.
Do you feel like the odd one out in your family? 
I think to a certain degree it's something we can all relate to...

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