Video: Spinning with a difference!

Video: Spinning with a difference!

I know people who own pugs. And people who own pugs truly love their pugs.


Being a sausage dog person, I've never felt the inclination to own a pug, or any other kind dog for that matter!

However, after seeing this video, I may just change my mind about that! Perhaps, I even get what pug people are on about!

Have a look at these furkids.

The spinning pug is Gumsi. The black one is Bonchies. And the second spinning pug is Flohzi and bouncing last pug is Purra. This pod of pugs belongs to Gerd and Lara Baum

Congrats to this family for winning the Beeno hamper for featuring as Trick Of The Week on Animal Antics.

If you want to win, submit a video of your pet doing something cool to [email protected].

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