VIDEO: Britney Spears' ultimate fan

VIDEO: Britney Spears' ultimate fan

There’s fan dedication and then there’s this! This guy manages to put himself into every single frame of Britney Spears’ music video ‘Work B*tch’ just perfectly! This is quite unbelievable, take a look.

Ever wanted to be a superstar?
Well we might be able to assist. 
This video the Breakfast team recently discovered was put together by Israeli performance artist Gal Volinez a.k.a Gal Spears! 
Gal features in the music video ‘Work B*tch’ and manages to replace Britney Spears with himself in every single frame.  
He has become an overnight sensation! 
While watching this video the team were grinning from ear to ear. 
Let’s see if you enjoy it just as much as we did:

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