‘Vaping’ falls victim to vile and vapid vituperation!

‘Vaping’ falls victim to vile and vapid vituperation!

‘Vaping’ creates no tar, no smoke particulate, and no carbon monoxide. So why is everyone hating on it? Darren shares his theory that proves that E-Cigs are healthier and a safer alternative to conventional cigarettes.


“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”- Mark Twain

You might have seen the shock headline across multiple media platforms last week proclaiming;

E-Cigs have 10X the carcinogens than normal cigarettes!

How is it that this completely erroneous headline made it across the world before all the stats were in? From what I have learned, this rumour originated in Japan (one of the biggest cigarette markets in the world) and it was spread after it was learned that just ONE of the many e-cig products tested showed higher levels of formaldehyde than the others.

This ONE small piece of carefully cherry picked information was used to paint the entire +/- 1 million member strong vaping community. Why is everyone in such a rush to vilify something that is cleaner, healthier and safer than its gruesome predecessor? 

Well I have a theory and like all good conspiracy theories – I can’t prove it.

Ask yourself this question though:

Who has the most to gain from the failure of an alternative/healthier smoking product?

Big Tobacco?

Big Pharmaceutical?

If a healthier and safer alternative to conventional cigarettes actually becomes the norm then Big Tobacco stands to lose billions in cigarette sales and so does Big Pharmaceutical in medicines to treat the multitude of illnesses connected to long term (cigarette) smoking.

I was not really surprised at how many News providers just ran with the original shock/horror story. That’s how 24 hour news cycle rolls on; bad news sells better than good news.

But the good news is out there if you’re looking for it. 

In my research I found that not only do e-cigs (my brand is Twisp) contain far lower carcinogens than conventional cigarettes, they actually have None of the thousands that tobacco products have!

‘Vaping’ creates no tar, no smoke particulate, and no carbon monoxide. 

So, don’t let irresponsible knee-jerk reactionary ‘News Papers’ dictate what you do and don’t put into your body. Do the research and decide for yourself.

Here are a few that I have found for you.

Smoking vs. Vaping chemicals:


Twisp even offers a non-nicotine option:


Vaping can help you Quit the smoking habit:


The American Heart Association says it is healthier:


There are many more sites to visit just amend your search question from;

“Why is vaping bad”


“Why is vaping better.”

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