South African Words added to the English Oxford Dictionary

South African Words added to the English Oxford Dictionary

Each quarter, Oxford updates it's dictionary by adding new words. A couple of South African words were added.

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The English language is one of the most robust, and the words we use constantly change and evolve. 

Oxford Engluish Dictionary adds new words each quarter, and increasingly these are words from popular culture, or words that have reached a critical mass as far as use is concerned. 

These are the new SA words added this quarter.  



Papsak (n)
The foil container, usually encased in a box, in which wine is sold, referring specifically to cheap wine.

Mahala (adv. and adj.)
Free of charge, gratis. The word comes from the Nguni and Sotho languages, and is attested in South African English from 1941. 


Tenderpreneur (n.)
A blend of tender and entrepreneur. A South African term for a person in government who abuses their political power and influence to secure government tenders and contracts.

Whoonga (n.)
A street drug that has allegedly come into widespread use in South Africa since 2010, as it contains anti-retroviral drugs. 

Zef (adv. and adj.)
A commonly used South African word for 'trashy' and also a counterculture movement. 

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