Our hands tell a story

Our hands tell a story

The creases or lines on the palms of our hands have a story to tell about our health and life experiences. Kevin Leak, a chirologist and hand analysis consultant, explains how this works.


The East Coast Breakfast team spoke to Kevin recently to learn more about chirology, which is different to palmistry. It’s all scientific and based on years of research. 

Kevin told the team that the markings on the palms of our hands start to develop in the womb, during the fourth and fifth week of pregnancy.

The brain sends messages to our hands which records our history on ours palm. This continues until death.

Kevin is able to analyse the creases, fingerprint patterns, the form of the hand and the shape of the nails. He does this by taking a double hand print with black ink. 

Kevin explains how the process works:

Darren was first to get his hand examined:

Next up, Sky:

And finally, Nats:

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