Google Gooroo: red lipstick & nail art

Google Gooroo: red lipstick & nail art

Every week we connect with Laurian Clemence, Communications Officer at Google UK. This week it's girl stuff on the radar: red lipstick, nail art and Ryan Gosling.

Every week we connect with Laurian Clemence, Communications Officer at Google UK.
We chat trends, fashion, free apps and all round coolness.
Today it's stuff girls love; red lipstick, nail art and Ryan Gosling:
Trends on the radar are that since 2008/2009, when the recession kicked in, there has been a massive rise in searches for red lipstick.
It's called the 'red lipstick indicator' - researchers have noted that when times are tough, sales of items like red lipstick - which don't cost the earth but have a feel-good factor - increase. 
Interestingly, nail art has started surpassing lipstick searches – it’s also seen as a cheap and cheerful 'pick me up' option. 
And, if you're a Ryan Gosling fan, you have to check this out.  
Take a listen below for the full run-down from Laurian 


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