Drunk comeback of the year

Drunk comeback of the year

Watch as a man arrives home completely drunk and is faced with an angry, unrelenting partner. What he does at the end is pure, unintentional genius.


He probably didn't exactly intend to be clever, but, like a child, his honesty is hilarious. 

Most of us have done this. 

You go out with friends after work, and one drink turns into another which turns into another which turns into ten. 

You were supposed to be home hours ago with a packet of pasta and a litre of milk. 

You have to sneak back into the house, hoping nobody notices, and if they do, you need to be completely sober, because there is obviously a valid reason you are home so late.

For this man, the second he opens the front door, he is faced with a barrage of scrutiny from his partner.

His attempts at being sober explode in his face at the end, but the result is absolutely hilarious.

This 30-second clip has been doing the rounds on social media with most people relating to it in some way.

Do you have any stories like this one? Have you recently been in trouble for doing similar?

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