Big claim made by Darren Maule

Big claim made by Darren Maule

You might remember that we were cruelly pranked this week by management. Now we have team build, and Darren is on the same team as one of the corner offices! It is going to be interesting…

Darren seems to be very confident that his team will walk away as team build champs this year - Big claim Darren!
This is what he has to say:
‘I love team build! Team build is the only place you get to see whether your human resources person can catch a ball or the accountant can throw darts or whether your music manager can actually do mental arithmetic. 
You get to see all these people out of their comfort zone and it humanises them 
It gives you a different perspective of them AND you find out what makes them tick 
I think team builds are imperative to building a team in a business – it is very very important!
So yes, I’m looking forward to this one. 
Most importantly I’m looking forward to winning all the challenges and cementing my blade as The Master of the Universe … again as one does.'
Big talk Darren!
We will report back after the weekend and announce who the Master of Universe was at team build. 
We want to know from you - Do you look forward to your annual team build or do you dread it? What makes it great or terrible for you?
Share your comments below, Facebook or Tweet @ECRBreakfast 

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