VIDEO: Seychelles fishing action

VIDEO: Seychelles fishing action

The team from Freespool recently headed off to the Seychelles in pursuit of dogtooth tuna.


Brad Arthur and Mark de la Hey took Justin Kemp and Bob Skinstad with them to the Indian Ocean island nation.

I have fond memories of several fishing trips with Freespool, but it has been a while since we last teamed up.

My most recent fishing outing was with the Mascor team at Quattro King of the Sea on the KZN south coast.

A bonito of 4kg was the best I could do at Quattro and once again I was robbed of some really nice fish by the sharks off Shelly Beach.

I am hoping to make my comeback to the Freespool side soon, but for now let us see what happened to the guys in the Seychelles.

Big fishing competition for physically challenged anglers at Durban Naval Base on 1 August 2015 - Call 031 701 7444 for more details.

(File Photo: Caroll Hermann)

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