VIDEO: Fatal swordfish attack

VIDEO: Fatal swordfish attack

A swordfish takes on a fishing boat with deadly consequences.


A swordfish takes on a fishing boat with deadly consequences.

The largest swordfish I have heard of was caught off Chile in 1953 and weighed a whopping 536-kilograms.

Adult swordfish have few enemies, apart from humans and perhaps the odd killer whale or shortfin mako shark.

Dead or dying makos have been found with wounds suggesting a tussle with these large billfish.

Squid is a popular meal for swordfish, but they also feed on other fish like mackerel and herring.

No humans were harmed in our footage below, but the same cannot be said for the swordfish involved.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- Andre Bloem and Youtube

Twitter - @SportswaveAndre

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