VIDEO: Catching tuna off Durban

VIDEO: Catching tuna off Durban

I have found tuna elusive this year and the closest I have come to catching one was during Quattro King of the Sea back in May.


The hook pulled right next to the boat off Shelly Beach and I remain on a duck on the tuna front.

Alain Tardin has already landed and released four yellowfin tuna this year, while the Freespool team landed a beauty off Umdloti last week.

Alain's girlfriend, Nordika, caught and released two large tuna off Mozambique in February and landed a 16kg specimen off Durban in January - rubbing salt into my fishing wounds.

I am hoping to have another go soon and will take a camera along to record my latest tuna quest.

Meanwhile, I will have to resort to sharing footage of guys not lacking tuna success.


Twitter - @SportswaveAndre

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