Very good Umkomaas fishing

Very good Umkomaas fishing

Anglers in and around Umkomaas on the KZN south coast have enjoyed some excellent fishing over the past week or so.


Umkomaas - This spot has fished extremely well with the majority of the catches being grunter, shad and kingfish. Baits being used include sea lice, red eye heads and cutlets, chokka and prawn. These are generally thrown on a medium spinning outfit or multiplier outfit such as a Daiwa SL20/30 on a 12’6” Poseidon light. No more than 25lb Giant abrasion nylons required.

Scottburgh - This area has been producing some excellent catches of sand sharks, with some up to 70kg. Grey sharks up to 20kg have also been landed on throw baits such as a chokka and red eye mix.

Port St Johns - Hammerhead sharks and big grey sharks are predominantly what the locals have been catching. They are taking both slide baits and throw baits. Nice to see that there are many big shad coming out and no shortage of bronze bream either. These big shad often take a small live bait intended for other game fish and if no steel is used the fish is often lost. A good technique for this style of fishing is a live karanteen or blacktail on a top bung.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- Kingfisher

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