Still plenty Blue Lagoon shad

Still plenty Blue Lagoon shad

Anglers at Blue Lagoon in Durban have again caught lots of shad over the past week.


Kosi Bay - This area had mediocre catches from the surf over the last week, with nothing really happening besides a few edibles and smaller shark species. Anglers using live bait caught some decent blackfin sharks.

Cape Vidal - Due to most of the regular spots being sanded up, only a handful of smaller edibles such as shad were caught off the ledges. Most other species were caught on the high tide when the water filled the shallows and allowed for movement.

Maphelane - Also heavily affected by the sand build-up, Maphelane fished slow with the exception of a couple of garrick on live shad. There have been smaller shad around, most of which are not making size.

Richards Bay - Good reports from the local anglers over the last week, with plenty of shad and kob being landed all around. There is a strong south to north wash and only anglers with heavy grapnel sinkers have managed to get the job done. With this strong wash, be sure to use Korda anti-tangle sleeves and 3 way power swivels which eliminate the tangling and twisting of the trace.

Ballito - This spot has fished superbly over the last week and has seen good catches of grey sharks, blues and browns. All being landed at night. There have also been bigger fish hooked but not landed, possibly big flatfish or blackfin sharks.

Umdloti - Raggies are an uncommon catch at Umdloti, but have met the hooks of 6 anglers in the last two weeks, which is a good indication of a drop in water temperature and possible sardine activity. These fish are not the strongest of fighters and will be enjoyed on heavy grinder set-ups. Look no further than a Daiwa Saltist 6500h filled with 600m of Triple fish Gatorbraid 48lb. This, paired to a 14ft heavy spinning rod, should prove a very good strategy.

Blue Lagoon - This has been the best shad spot in Durban and surroundings for the last few months and has showed no signs of slowing down. The fishing seems to improving daily and with the size of the shad being landed more recently, there are surely some buses ready to be caught in the days to come. Along with the shad, there have been good catches of sandsharks and grunter too.

Durban- A large concentration of flat fish and smaller grey sharks have made their way into our local waters here off Durban. They have been spotted by spearfishermen and anglers fishing off the piers. Around the North Pier and uShaka there have been some good catches of kob and various flatfish. There have been a few grey sharks on mackerel baits as well. A few anglers caught stumpies off Vetch's Reef all around 1.5- 3kg on sardine head and sea lice.

Bluff - A very quiet week off the Bluff, with far less anglers taking to the beaches. With the abundance of baitfish in the water one could only assume a large number of fish would be on the bite. However, reports suggest otherwise. There have been few shad and only a handful of edibles around.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

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