Port Shepstone kob and garrick

Port Shepstone kob and garrick

We have received news of good kob and garrick fishing in the Port Shepstone area over the past week.


Toti - This area has fished well, with plenty of shad teasing anglers throughout the day, being caught on spoons and baits used while targeting other species. Sandsharks are feeding on bloody baits and blue rays on smaller cutlet baits.

Scottburgh - Still a fair number of grey sharks off the point, caught more frequently by anglers casting further with grinder set-ups. The blacktail have been on the loose, cleaning up most baits in the water. Small kingfish have been landed on smaller spoons and McArthy drop-shot. Shad have been caught while targeting kingfish on Price Jet spoons.

Port Shepstone - Some very nice size kob reported from the Port Shepstone area, but the garrick have been wild on live bait and with the weather expected for the next week, we will be sure to see some more action shortly.

Port St John's - Garrick and kob have been prolific in most of the popular bays and a surprisingly high number of inedibles such as raggies, bronze whalers and large grey sharks. Reports are filtering through of garrick being taxed by big sharks while being fought off the rocks. Mpolompo has been producing good catches of albacore as well, and most rivers are fishing very well for species such as kob, garrick, springer and kingies. Most of these fish are being caught in small Strike Pro Poppers.

I was told today of a 22kg tuna caught off Durban yesterday - perhaps a good sign for the Durban Ski Boat Club jetski competition on 22 and 23 November.

Also note that a rip current alert has been issued for KZN over the next few days. So be very careful when on the beach or in the ocean.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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