Jordy and Travis in action in France

Jordy and Travis in action in France

The Quicksilver Pro France 2013 is about to get underway. The contest has been put on hold briefly due to fog.


The Quicksilver Pro France 2013 is about to get underway. The contest has been put on hold briefly due to fog.

Jordy Smith and Travis Logie will be in action. Jordy who is ranked 3rd on the ASP World Championship will take on Matt Wilkinson of Australia and Ramzi Boukiam in heat 4 of round 1, while Travis will surf in the opening heat of the tournament against Josh Kerr and Kierran Perrow.

After this contest there will be two more ASP events, the Rip Curl Pro by Moche and the Billabong Pipe Masters in Hawaii.

ASP Rankings:

1) Mick Fanning  41900 points

2) Kelly Slater 40700 points

3) Jordy Smith 35700 points

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- Mak Dlamini

-Twitter - @MakDlamini - @ECRSportswave

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