Crime issues for Umkomaas anglers

Crime issues for Umkomaas anglers

Although very late in the season there are still a few garrick in the Toti area.


Although very late in the season there are still a few garrick in the Toti area.

Fair amounts of shad have been caught in the Winkel area, but the majority are not very big.  A few garrick were also landed in this area recently.

Due to an increase in criminal activities the night fishing at Umkomaas has been limited with a number of vehicles broken into. For those prepared to take a chance, there have been some decent kob in the dark. These tend to weight between 10 and 15 kgs and are caught mainly in the river mouth. 

A few small snoek in the 4 to 5 kilo range have been landed in the Scottburgh area in the early mornings. 

SW winds are back today peaking at 19km/h in Durban with a maximum temperature of 23 degrees. Durbanites can look forward to a sunny start with cloudy conditions this afternoon.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- Olivia Symcox

Twitter - @OliviaSymcox @SportswaveAndre





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