Zuma releases Commission's report into higher education fees

Zuma releases Commission's report into higher education fees

The Commission that was tasked with looking into the feasibility of free higher education says the state doesn't have enough financial capacity to provide free higher education to everyone who can't afford to finance it themselves.

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Image: Twitter/ @PresidencyZA

The Presidency has released the report of the Heher Commission.

The commission has recommended a cost-sharing model in the funding of university students and has suggested that government increase its spending on higher education to  at least 1% of GDP .

The commission however believes the education of TVET students - should be wholly-funded by government as opposed to the current 80:20 funding ratio.

READ: Protests: Students want release of fees commission report

Another recommendation is for the across the board scrapping of application and registration fees at higher learning institutions.

President Jacob Zuma says an Inter-Ministerial Committee is now processing the report and a decision will be announced later.

Zuma set up the commission of inquiry following nationwide protests at universities calling for the scrapping of tuition fees.

Find the executive summary here or read the full report here.

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