Will the ICC, South Africa part ways?

Will the ICC, South Africa part ways?

There have been mixed reactions to the ANC's announcement that it wants to begin proceedings to withdraw South Africa from the International Criminal Court. 

International Criminal Court
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The resolution was adopted at the party's National General Council at the weekend. 

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre which earlier this year brought an application to arrest Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir while he was in South Africa says withdrawing from the ICC will not fix any problems. 

The ICC has issued a warrant of arrest for Al-Bashir for alleged war crimes and genocide. 

Afriforum says the decision is a move away from the culture of protecting human rights. 

Political analyst Sanusha Naidoo says withdrawal from the court will not change anything.

''Whether or not this is going to produce the kinds of implications or the kinds of things we want to see, I'm not sure because you can withdraw from the ICC but it doesn't necessarily mean that withdrawal will change the focus of the ICC if other countries in Africa remain part of the ICC,'' she said.

(File photo: Getty Images)

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