There's no place for racists in the DA: Maimane

There's no place for racists in the DA: Maimane

Do not vote for the DA if you are racist. That's what DA leader Mmusi Maimane has told a forum on race and identity in Johannesburg. 

DA, Mmusi Maimane
Gallo images

Maimane has implored DA members to act against any form of racism no matter how subtle or coded it may be.

"There is no place, let me say that again - there is no place in the DA for people who believe that the colour of their skin renders them superior to others," he said.

There has been public debate on racism following a number of posts on social media in the past few weeks. 

Maimane says the conversation about race must be had, adding that black South Africans have a right to ask difficult and uncomfortable questions.

"Why is it that today, 21 years on, a black child is a hundred times more likely than a white child to grow up in poverty. A hundred times. 

We are entitled to ask why is it that a white learner is six times more likely to get into university than a black learner," he said. 

(File photo: Gallo images)

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