Suspect linked to murder of metro cop killed in shootout

Suspect linked to murder of metro cop killed in shootout

A suspect believed to be linked to the murder of eThekwini metro police officer Errol Ogle has been killed in a shootout with police.

Police crime scene

eThekwini metro police spokesperson Boysie Zungu says they traced the suspect to Umlazi Q section on Thursday morning.


Zungu says they were met with gunfire.


"A police official was saved by his bullet-resistant vest but sustained injuries when he fell, and an 11-year-old girl was grazed on the arm when the suspect started shooting. Both have been taken to hospital."


Ogle, stationed on the M7, unknowingly stopped a hijacked truck last year.


He was shot and killed.

 READ: Witness details killing of eThekwini metro cop in court testimony

Ogle's wife Faith says she's been left with mixed feelings.


"I would have been happier if he made it to court so I could see him face to face and also just to hear what was my husband’s last moment because he was the person that shot him. It has been a long fourteen months."

 Three men have been arrested and are currently on trial in the Durban High Court.

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