Ramaphosa’s attention turns to finalising cabinet

Ramaphosa’s attention turns to finalising cabinet

The work of the seventh administration officially began on Wednesday with the inauguration of President Cyril Ramaphosa.

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Ramaphosa took his oath of office at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. 


He will now turn his attention to finalising his cabinet.

READ: Ramaphosa sworn in for second term as SA president


After his party, the ANC, failed to retain its parliamentary majority in the elections, Ramaphosa returned under the banner of the government of national unity formed by multiple parties, including the former official opposition, the Democratic Alliance.


Much is yet to be concluded as parties have only signed a Statement of Intent.


Ramaphosa is expected to announce a cabinet reflective of the collaboration of parties. 


Historically, no South African president has secured and completed their second term. 

ALSO READ: Ramaphosa: Unity government ushers in new era for SA


Speaking after the inauguration, Ramaphosa said while voters have acknowledged some of the progress made in the last 30 years, they've also expressed disappointment at instances where the government has failed them.


"Through their votes, they asserted that they want enough food to eat. Water that is clean. Affordable electricity that is available at all times. They want decent homes that keep out the wind, the rain and the cold. 


"They want well-maintained roads and street lights that work. The people of South Africa have asked no more than to be properly cared for when they are sick. They want the young to be taught well, for the elderly to be cared for, and for those without work to work."

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