Ramaphosa hopeful congestion problems at ports will be resolved

Ramaphosa hopeful congestion problems at ports will be resolved

President Cyril Ramaphosa says Transnet has reassured him that work is being done to resolve the congestion of trucks going into the Port of Richards Bay and the backlog of ships at Port of Durban.

Richards Bay ports
Richards Bay ports

"Trucks are standing for days and days are dealt, and the ships that are also on the water for days and days are also processed." 

"So that is the immediate problem that has to be resolved and they have already been told that we now reducing the number of trucks off the road and getting them to be processed as well as the ships and they count them in hours. That it now takes lesser and lesser hours to process. "    

ALSO READ: Private sector roped in to help with Transnet's port congestion crisis

Ramaphosa was in Richards Bay today for a meeting to address the crisis.

Transnet has suspended the movement of coal trucks into the port due to the congestion.

Ramaphosa says government will also be rooting out incapable people at state-owned entities.

"Consequence management is obviously going to be the order of the day, accountability is going to be top of the issues we are going to have to deal with."

" We are involved in a process where we are looking at the capabilities of the people who are working for our state-owned enterprise. We're going to go into deep process of examining the capabilities of people."


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