Police clamp down on zama zamas

Police clamp down on zama zamas

Police Minister Bheki Cele says they will soon receive the findings of an investigating into complaints that officials from Langlaagte police station in Johannesburg are not moving fast enough to put an end to illegal mining.

194 suspected illegal miners nabbed in protest-hit Riverlea

Cele says they have been forced to take drastic measures after the illegal miners, or so-called zama zamas, began reopening mine holes. 

"We are not going to be delaying this issue of closing those holes because there are people that are illegally there, so they must find their way out.”

Reports say close to 200 suspects have been arrested in Zamimpilo, including undocumented foreign nationals.

Speaking in Riverlea on Friday, Cele confirmed authorities have already arrested about 89 masterminds.

"If they are refusing, our job is to close. We did not send them there," Cele said. 

The report is due on Thursday.

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