OUTA: Future generations will bear cost of nuclear power

OUTA: Future generations will bear cost of nuclear power

South Africans have until the end of the day to submit comments to the National Energy Regulator on government's proposal to expand the country's nuclear power supply.

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The Department of Minerals and Energy wants to add 2 500MW of nuclear power to the electricity mix by 2030.

NERSA says the country needs to maintain a supply/demand balance and improve energy security.

But Liz McDaid of the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse says we can't afford this.

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She is the energy project manager at OUTA and says renewable energy is the future. 

"From a cost and stability point of view, the DMRE has calculated that there is no need for nuclear until 2030 and that renewables are the least cost option thereafter. 

"So it is our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will have to carry the burden of increased electricity prices, the de-commissioning of toxic nuclear reactors and the storage of spent fuel for hundreds of thousands of years."

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