New settlements adding to strain on water supply: Mchunu

New settlements adding to strain on water supply: Mchunu

Unplanned settlements are putting pressure on the country's water supply system.

Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu in Durban 13 Oct
Steve Bhengu

This is what Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu told a press conference in Durban on Wednesday.

He and the provincial cabinet have been meeting at the Olive Convention Centre to discuss ways to address water security in KwaZulu-Natal.

Executives from water utilities, Umgeni Water and Mhlathuze Water, are also attending.

Mchunu says the cost of providing water and sanitation services to settlements that spring up overnight has become unsustainable.

"In South Africa, we have a problem that cities and towns, there's a tendency that is developing of people just settling anywhere, anytime and anyhow.

"You get up tomorrow; there's an informal settlement of sorts. You plan, only to find that communities are ahead of you all the time, and you get blamed for not providing these services, water and sanitation, and therefore time has come now where we have to say no."


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