Men accused of Durban B&B owner's murder seek bail

Men accused of Durban B&B owner's murder seek bail

Two men accused of the murder of a Durban B&B owner are expected to apply for bail in a week's time.

Durban B&B owner, Jacqueline Needham

Jacqueline Needham was killed a year ago at her business in Glenwood. 

Mdumiseni Gumede and Manelisi Jali made their second appearance in the Durban Magistrate's Court, a day after the one-year anniversary of Needham's death.

As the pair walked into the dock, they smiled at the members of their families who they spotted sitting in the public gallery.

Proceedings were brief, with the case being postponed to next week Friday for a formal bail application. 

Gumede and Jali were arrested last week, nearly a year after the 69-year-old Needham was robbed and murdered.

Her niece, Andrea Kruger, was at the court on Friday. 

She said seeing the accused took her back to the day her aunt's body was found.

"We waited outside the scene for about four to five hours until they were done, just consoling each other and being with her staff as well who had worked very hard for her for many years. It brings back the fear and the hurt knowing that you lost someone who is special." 

The accused also face a charge of defeating the ends of justice for allegedly reporting a false carjacking.

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