Health professional body shuns new health agreement

Health professional body shuns new health agreement

A group representing various health professional bodies says it will not be signing the presidential health compact. 

Doctor, hospital generic

The South African Health Professionals Collaboration is arguing the compact is merely an effort to secure support for the National Health Insurance Act.


They view the law as a flawed solution for universal health coverage. 


The SAHPC represents over 25,000 healthcare workers. 

READ: Court ruling declares ‘core pillar’ of NHI unconstitutional


Spokesperson Simon Strachan says they are calling for genuine engagement to ensure health reforms truly benefit patients and the broader healthcare system.


"Health professionals, including general practitioners, specialists, and dentists, are the cornerstone of health provision in this country. 


"Our primary concern will always and always will be the wellbeing of patients. We do not believe that the NHI is a viable or workable model for archiving universal health coverage. Our numerous proposals and concerns have not been acknowledged."  

The signing is due to take place next week. 

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