Hawks nab over 600 suspects, secure 500 convictions this Quarter

Hawks nab over 600 suspects, secure 500 convictions this Quarter

Hawks head, Godfrey Lebeya, says just over 670 suspects were arrested between April and June this year.

Godfrey Lebya

"Most of the arrests were made in Gauteng province with 167, KwaZulu-Natal province with 114, North West province with 92, Mpumalanga province with 57, and Eastern Cape province with 56 suspects. 

During these arrests, 68 firearms and 1,797 rounds of ammunition were seized.

Lebeya is currently updating the country on the DPCI's progress and milestones during the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year.

The suspects were nabbed on various charges including corruption, fraud, money laundering, police killings, cash-in-transit robberies, and illegal mining.

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He says they secured convictions for over 500 accused during this period. 

The Directorate secured convictions for 506 accused. 

Of these convictions, 262 accused persons, including 12 juristic persons, were sentenced, while the balance of 244 convicts, including 15 juristic persons, are to be sentenced on dates after the quarter under review.

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