DUT testing Durban water for cholera

DUT testing Durban water for cholera

Scientists from Durban University of Technology hope the latest tests carried out on water samples in Durban put to ease fears over cholera and other contamination concerns. 

Cholera lab image generic

Researchers examined samples from the water supplied by tankers and standpipes in informal settlements across eThekwini. 


Professor Faizal Bux, the Director of the Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology, says they wanted to see if the city’s water meets the WHO's standards for quality. 


Bux says they can assure Durban residents that the city's water is safe to drink. 

READ: eThekwini draws up new plan to combat sewerage crisis


The microbiological water quality analysis, as per SANS 241, found no E.Coli present in any of the samples tested. 


"When we comment, we comment based on data, that is data provided by testing the water using standard protocols by the World Health Organization. 


"What we do is we ensure that the methods we use and the results that we find are based on sound scientific protocols. So the public should rest assured that the information we are releasing is based on sound protocols."

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