Durban sisters headed to martial arts world champs in UAE

Durban sisters headed to martial arts world champs in UAE

Two Durban teenage mixed martial artists will be fighting their way to the top in a world championship later this year.

Durban sisters headed to martial arts world champs in UAE
Lauren Hendricks

Sisters, Paris and Astrid Matthews, have been training in the ring for nearly a decade, often facing each other.

The 16-year-olds from Glenmore are now set to represent South Africa at the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation’s Youth World Championship in Abu Dhabi in August.

Astrid says she's looking forward to the competition.

"I am just excited for the experience. It is going to be my first time going there and travelling as well. I can't wait to compete and do well, and for the experience and exposure." 

Paris has stressed the importance of training and dedication in reaching their current level.

She's encouraged other aspirant martial arts competitors to never give up.

"Stay disciplined. It’s about waking up every morning or training even when your body is sore. It is about doing it because when you are not doing it other people are."

The IMMAF Youth World Championship is scheduled to take place from 5-11 August.

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