Cold front, snowfall as KZN heads for icy weekend

Cold front, snowfall as KZN heads for icy weekend

KwaZulu-Natal residents have been told to brace themselves for several days of icy weather.

R671 road closed snow kzn
Net Tow

A cold front, sweeping across the country, is expected to hit parts of KwaZulu-Natal on Thursday.

Forecasters say many parts of the country will be bitterly cold over the next few days.

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The South African Weather Service's Wiseman Dlamini say the cold front will make landfall in the Western Cape on Thursday morning, before blasting through KZN in the evening.

Temperatures in the province will drop this weekend.

The weather service says we can expect heavy rainfall, strong winds and snow.

"Especially some showers mostly over the eastern parts and the southern parts of KZN.

"In the extreme northern parts and western parts, we expect precipitation. It is expected to continue into Friday. We might have snow over the Drakensberg of KZN and the chances of rain increases."

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The N3 Toll Concession's urging motorists to be on high alert for strong winds and snow, when travelling between Van Reenen's Pass and Warden this weekend.

"Adverse weather may affect road conditions and traffic flow causing congestion and delays. N3TC appeals to the general public to please avoid areas where snowfall may occur and if posies to rather delay their trips," the concession's Thania Dhoogra says.

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