Chikunga wants to rope in private sector to help fix roads

Chikunga wants to rope in private sector to help fix roads

Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga says the government will need the private sector’s help in resolving the road maintenance backlog. 

Chikunga wants to rope in private sector to help fix roads

She says the budget for maintaining the country’s roads remains one of the department’s biggest headaches.


"We have identified some of the roads that get damaged mainly by trucks that are owned in the private sector. The department will have to continue engaging with the private sector so that they can actually take over some of those roads and maintain them. 

"It doesn't mean that they will belong to the private sector. Government will remain liable to whatever happens on those roads."  


She was speaking to reporters following a briefing in Gauteng on the state of public transport and road infrastructure in the country. 

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Between 2006 and 2024, the department spent a total of R55 billion on road infrastructure and operations in 13 cities.


As part of the 30 years of democracy celebrations, the department has also handed over a ‘freedom bus’ to the Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni.


Ntshavheni says it's going to go around to various communities in the country.


"Buses will be available to all government departments that is why they will go everywhere, because we want to record those things and get feedback."

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