Call for calm amid protests over Inanda clinic rebuild delay

Call for calm amid protests over Inanda clinic rebuild delay

Health authorities are calling for calm amid protests in Inanda over a clinic that has been closed for over two years.


The facility in the north of Durban was damaged during the April 2022 floods.

Disgruntled residents of Newtown took to the streets on Monday for the second time in as many months - disrupting business operations and public transport.

Locals say they are forced to travel a great distance to receive healthcare.

But KZN Health claims it has no control over the delays in the clinic's reconstruction.

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Spokesperson for the department, Ntokozo Maphisa, says the contractor abruptly left right before construction was due to start.

"The delay in rebuilding the clinic is highly regretted. The department had to reappoint a service provider who will be announced in due course. 

“While this is not ideal we appeal to the community to exercise patience. We urge the community to utilise neighbouring clinics.”

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