ANCYL happy with Mchunu's response over protest

ANCYL happy with Mchunu's response over protest

The ANC Youth League says it is satisfied with the letter it has received from Premier Senzo Mchunu about last week's march by hundreds of ANC members who are unhappy that he has been replaced as the provincial chairperson of the party.

ANC protest - kn

His supporters marched on the KwaZulu-Natal headquarters of the party, claiming the recent elections at the provincial conference were rigged and demanded a re-run.

Former secretary, Sihle Zikalala defeated Mchunu to take over as chairperson.

Last week, the Youth League called on Mchunu to publicly distance himself from the march, saying if he did not - it would give the impression he sanctioned the march. 

Spokesperson Mkhuseli Sondzaba says the letter, addressed to them and the mother body was received on Friday.

"The Premier has further stated that he stands behind the conference's outcome and he fully supports the newly-elected Chairperson of the ANC.

"We're highly-satisfied with the response and we're very happy that the Premier has accepted the results of the conference and the ANC Youth League will back him to be the Premier of KZN," he said. 

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