‘You have to be the same age to fall in love’ says adorable 5-year-old

‘You have to be the same age to fall in love’ says adorable 5-year-old

Five-year-old girl devastated because she can ‘never ever’ date her six-year-old crush! This video will have you grinning from ear-to-ear.

confused girl about fall in love

In this adorable Youtube video, five-year-old Sierra tells her mom that she wants to fall in love with a boy at school but there is a HUGE problem preventing them from being together… 

They can't fall in love because they are not the same age. 

She says it will 'never ever' work between them because of their age gap.

Just before she loses all hope she realises that she will be turning six soon, and then they can fall in love and live happily ever after!

This video will have you grinning from ear-to-ear: 

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