Nice save, dad! Sleeping father’s instincts prevent baby injury

Nice save, dad! Sleeping father’s instincts prevent baby injury

Here’s a video that will melt your heart. 


Footage of a sleeping dad preventing his daughter Madison from falling off a bed is doing the rounds on the Internet again.

The video was originally published in 2014, but with Father’s Day around the corner, it has surfaced yet again to remind us why dads are the coolest.

The footage shows the man’s wife recording the toddler playing on their bed, while dad had his head covered with a pillow – probably trying to fall asleep with his daughter playing on top of him.

The child suddenly falls backwards – almost falling off the bed.

Mom gasps in horror, but luckily for Madison, it was a case of daddy to the rescue.

Her father quickly emerged from under the pillow (obviously from his not-so-deep sleep) to grab her legs before she ended up on the floor – no doubt avoiding injury or a crying baby at the very least.

Disaster averted!

Go, super dad!

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