Neck of lamb curry a la Mboweni - Tito is back in the kitchen

Neck of lamb curry a la Mboweni - Tito is back in the kitchen

"For the first time you didn't cook rubbish" - Social media users think Tito Mboweni's cooking skills are finally improving. 

Tito Mboweni
Tito Mboweni / Twitter (@tito_mboweni)

Tito Mboweni is back in the kitchen and this time the former finance minister is whipping up a "nice and tasty" lamb curry.

Like with all Tito's recipes, Twitter users were not convinced that he would be able to pull it off. Things got off to a rocky start when the politician shared a picture of his ingredients,

Many Twitter users noted that his garlic to onion ratio was not adding up, saying there was way too much garlic for a pot of lamb curry. 

"How much do you spend on garlic per month?" one Twitter user asked. 

Another user added: "You still need to work on your chopping skills, and that's too much garlic ntate Tito." 

A third person wrote: "3 onions and 20 garlic [cloves]."

ALSO READ: Tito Mboweni's lamb recipe leaves Twitter appalled


Tito was undeterred and soldier on with his special lamb curry recipe. 

"Almost done. Yee of little Faith!" he told his naysayers.  He shared several pictures of his progress. 

ALSO READ: SEE: Tweeps show no mercy in critiquing Tito Mboweni's latest cooking attempt

Tito was impressed with the final result. 

"Done and dusted. Great fun. It was really nice and tasty. Simple meal," he tweeted. 

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Despite a few side-eyes in the beginning, Tito won his followers over with his lab curry recipe.  Some told him it was his best dish thus far. 

"To be fair… 4th frame is your best cooking output, ever," one man wrote. 

Another user added: "Looks good Tatana Mboweni." A third person wrote: 'For someone that always cooks nonsense this nonsense is actually improvement."

ALSO READ: LOCAL: Tito Mboweni shares his love for a Durban classic - tinned pilchards

If Tito's lamb curry is not for you, why not try one of these delicious curry recipes we have shared in the past. 

1. How to make the famous Durban lamb curry bunny chow
2. WEIRD: Crazy food combinations - A curry made out of potato chips!
3. Lekker chicken curry bunny chow
4. The best mutton curry recipe in town

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