Man gets his head stuck in washing machine

Man gets his head stuck in washing machine

It’s probably one of those things you should never do - stick your head inside a washing machine!


Washing machines tend to need some fixing now and then, and that could result in people doing all sorts of things if they try to fix them by themselves. For this man in China, this meant getting his head inside the machine just to get a better look at what the problem really was.

But unfortunately for him, his head got stuck in the machine, resulting in fire workers having to rescue him.

The man, whose name has not been revealed, reportedly got his head stuck while he was attempting to repair his machine’s drum, Huffington Post reported. “I managed to very successfully stick my head into the machine, so I don’t understand why I got stuck,” he was quoted as saying in the publication.

His friends reportedly found him in that awkward situation, and when their attempts to rescue him failed, they called the fire department. According to the report, six firemen finally managed to help get his head out, but after 40 minutes of trying. That must have been one hell of a rescue.

The man reportedly only suffered minor injuries to his head.

This article first appeared on Jacarandafm 

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