Local celeb shares pic of her brand new baby bump

Local celeb shares pic of her brand new baby bump

The Top Billing presenter has shared the most adorable picture on Instagram showing off her baby bump.

Local celeb shares pic of her brand new baby bump

The business woman and previous Miss South Africa just shared the happy news on her social media pages. 

Jo-Ann Strauss and her husband, Michael Held, already have a 2-year-old son and have decided to expand their family.

We are sure their little boy will be delighted to have a little brother or sister. 

The caption reads:

‘Here we go again :-) We are welcoming another little person into our family next year and appreciate all the kind wishes from those of you who have noticed my expanding waistline.’

Look at the stunning picture Jo-Ann shared on her Instagram page announcing the happy news.

She is already glowing! 

Congratulations to the happy couple! 

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