Is K.O planning to pop the question?

Is K.O planning to pop the question?

We're predicting wedding bells in the near future for 2014's hottest MC...


Ntokozo 'K.O' Mdluli has always remained discreet about his private life, especially when it comes to relationships.

f we didn’t know better we’d swear he was married to his career.

We occasionally do hear rappers proudly proclaim that they’re married to the game.

However it seems like K.O’s marital intentions have shifted to a lady very dear to his heart.

This weekend, K.O surprised many of his fans by posting an image captioned “Beauty and the Beast”. It's a picture of him taking a photo of his girlfriend, stylist and blogger Sara Langa Heaton, something he never does.

Sara also posted a few images (including the above image) of her and her boo-thang enjoying the day by the coast.


Beauty and the Beast...

A photo posted by K.O (@mrcashtime) on

Whilst many commended the adorable couple we couldn’t help but notice K.O’s vague, but eye-brow raising comment which consisted of these images:

Now we may be jumping the gun here but is K.O implying that he proposed to Sara or that he intends to?

2014 was a great year for K.O but if our engagement intuitions are correct, 2015 is going to be an even greater year for the couple.

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